meditation law of attraction

Using Meditation for Effective Visualization For The Law of Attraction

The power of the mind is truly amazing. There is one thing that most people do not realize about that power. When you imagine something vividly and with emotion, the brain experiences a change in chemistry as though the experience was real Your mind records it as an actual real experience and memory. The way to have the most demonstrative effect of this phenomenon is to use meditation as the methodology. With meditation, we put ourselves into a state where we are receptive to suggestion, enabling us to create in our mind what we wish to experience in our reality. We will actually affect the subconscious mind to use the images we think about to be created in our physical existence. In other words, a thought will produce the thing that is imaged by the thought!

This is the Law of Attraction at work!

While this may seem incredulous, it is actually how the universe works. Not realizing this fact, you have probably created some negative things in your life. These things continue to be part of your life. These are beliefs you hold about yourself that are true because you make them true by continuing to think they are true. Remember, you get what you think about! You can change those things and replace them with more positive situations by just thinking about them in a different way. This is what visualization is all about! Using meditation while you visualize your new way of thinking has been found to be one of the most effective ways to accomplish this.

Doing visual imagery meditation is relatively simple: you imagine a scene in your mind, like you were daydreaming, and imagine yourself as part of that daydream. Engaging all the senses (in your mind) will produce the best result, so you should imagine all aspects of your dream: what it feels, tastes, smells, sounds and looks like. The more detail, the better. Making this dream a regular occurrence in your daily routine will empower the Law of Attraction to be much more powerful for you.

Be Clear About What It Is You Want

Do you know what you really want? This has to be clear to you before you start your visualization practice. It may be a nice home to live in. If that is it, clearly imagine that home, what color is it, where is it, how many bedrooms, baths, what kind of furniture is in it, what does the front door look like, etc. Be as detailed as you can. The more detail, the bigger impression on your subconscious. It is best to have a single goal for a meditation. In one, you can create your new home. The next time, you can create financial abundance. There are no limits, but spending your 15 or so minutes thinking about one thing at a time is best.

At first, choose goals that are fairly easy for you to believe in, that you feel are possible to realize in the fairly near future. That way you won’t have to deal with too much negative resistance in yourself, and you can maximize your feelings of success as you are learning creative visualization. Later, when you have more practice, you can take on more difficult or challenging desires.

Preparing to Meditate

Okay, you are now clear about what you want. It is now time to start your journey to manifest your desires. Spending a little time to prepare for your meditation would be time well spent. Find a spot where you will not be disturbed for the amount of time you are dedicating to your meditation. While you can meditate any time, it is best to do it on an empty stomach (like before breakfast). This is also a wonderful way to start your day. Find a comfortable place to sit. Sit up straight in a relaxed posture. You can lay down, but this often leads to falling asleep, so it is best to sit up in a comfortable chair.

Close your eyes and take some deep breaths into your stomach through your nose. Allow the stomach to expand out, filling completely, then exhale through your mouth. Do not strain. Do this 3-5 times until you feel yourself relax, all the tension gone from your neck, arms and shoulders. Now, breath normally, but continue to breathe in from the nose and out through the mouth, allowing the stomach to expand and contract, the chest to rise and fall gently.

Now begin to think about what it is that you clearly want to have in your life. Picture it as clearly and in as much detail as possible. Imagine the most minute details: the colors, the smells, your feelings of enjoyment. Take the next 10 minutes to imagine your future life.

Stay focused on your dream. If other thoughts or feelings come into your thoughts, gently accept that they are there, then let them go. Then return to your dream. These interruptions happen often at first, so expect it. The more you do this, the better you will get. You will be able to focus on the specific dream longer.

When you have reached the end of your time, don’t hurry out of your practice and jump up and start running around. Take some time to transition from the meditative state to the waking state. Shift your focus outward and become aware of your surroundings. Move gently, slowly rotating your neck. If you feel a bit stiff, slowly stretch those parts. Enjoy for a few minutes the calm, relaxed state produced by your meditation.
When you achieve a goal, be sure to acknowledge consciously to yourself that it has been completed. Often, we achieve things that we have been desiring and visualizing, and we forget to even notice! So, give yourself some appreciation and a pat on the back. Be sure to thank the universe for fulfilling your requests.


Try to make this meditation a daily practice. Imagine different dreams and goals in great detail. If you do this, you will soon experience what it is you are now only seeing in your mind. This may take some time, so be patient. Be consistent with this practice. As a result, you will experience dramatic desired changes as what you have imagined now becomes your life.

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