brainwaves manifestation

Understanding Brainwaves for Manifestation Using the Law of Attraction

One topic of particular interest to those who espouse the Law of Attraction is using control of our brainwaves to achieve successful manifestation of our desires. By using the lower frequency brainwaves, many believe it is easier to align with the intention of the soul. We then create the world and circumstances which we want to manifest. Access to these lower frequencies are attained mostly through meditation. By using meditation to access specific brainwave patterns is fast becoming an option of choice to get to a deep state of relaxation and to enter deeper into consciousness.

From the very basics of the Law of Attraction, practitioners understand that our success with this method are heavily dependent on our subconscious thoughts and beliefs. What we perhaps did not realize was that the electrical impulses constantly pulsing through our brain may well play an integral part in our search for the fulfillment we desire. This article will explain what brainwaves are and how we can use them for succeeding with our manifestations.

Brainwaves Defined

Our heads contain one of the most unique and powerful creations we know: the brain. Inside that still mysterious mass are billions of neurons and cells that are constantly communicating with each other by electrical currents, generating an electrical field inside the brain. This communication is what allows our body to function, conveying and creating information by both electrical and chemical pulses. These pulses that are creating an electrical field are detected and measured by newly developed medical equipment called electroencephalography (EEG). Within this electrical field is where our thoughts and emotions are created, and different thoughts and emotions trigger different brainwaves. These brainwaves can have a wide range of effects. Some slow you down and make you feel relaxed while others, created by our thoughts, can make you feel alert and fully alive.

The brainwave itself is not a physical thing but rather an electrical pulse within our brain. These brainwaves range from high to low in frequency, and science has currently identified five different kinds of brainwaves. They function like something akin to musical notes, each wave producing a specific activity. It should be explained here that these brainwaves are not a cause, but rather an effect. The cause is when we do things, like think or feel or do some action. As a result, the brainwave is created by those actions and actively reflect what we are doing, thinking or feeling.

Types of Brainwaves

As mentioned above, there are five types of brainwaves that scientist have been defined to date.

  1. Alpha Brainwaves (8-13 Hz) These waves occur when you enter a more relaxed state. This is the state in which the Law of Attraction functions as we use this state to visualize the future and focus on attracting those things we want to have in our lives
  2. Beta Brainwaves (14-40Hz) These waves are experienced while you are awake and alert, reading, working or even socializing. Here your brain is in constant action as your attention is directed towards the tasks you are performing and what is going on around you.
  3. Delta Brainwaves (.5-4Hz) We experience these types of waves during deep sleep as our body heals and refreshes itself. It is also said to be that state that allows us access to the unconscious mind. People that are regular practitioners of meditation experience this state.
  4. Gama Brainwaves (30-100Hz) These waves are present when we are learning new information or deeply focusing/concentrating, thus are linked to higher mental activity.
  5. Theta Brainwaves (4-7.5Hz) These waves occur when we are having dreams during sleep. They also are present during deep meditative practice for highly skilled and experienced practitioners.


How to Train Brainwaves

The key to controlling the frequencies in your brain is meditation. Through a simple but effective meditation process, you can train your body and your mind to attain the various brainwave states. Through consistent practice, you will be able to control the brain’s frequencies and if you can achieve that, and as a result, you will then be able to actually reprogram both your conscious and subconscious mind, allowing you to bring all you have dreamed of having into your life.


Below is a meditation exercise that is strongly recommended for its simplicity and effectiveness. Regular practice of this basic method is more than enough to allow you, with regular practice, to experience Alpha state and even the deeper state of Theta.

Please sit upright for meditation because the relaxation you will experience will cause you to fall asleep easily. This is not the objective here. The objective is to attain Alpha state (or deeper) consciously and with awareness of what is going on in your body.


Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor and your back straight. Relax into a comfortable position, allowing the shoulders to soften. Close your eyes. Become aware of your breathing, which should be in through the nose and out through the mouth. Allow the stomach to expand on the inhale and contract on the exhale. Become aware of the rise and fall of your chest.

Keep breathing in this manner. Do not strain. If you find yourself thinking about other things, accept them, then allow them to pass through you. (Only very advanced students of meditation can completely stop thinking and clear their minds. Don’t worry that you keep having thoughts. Just turn your focus back to your breath and feel it come in and go out.)

Continue breathing in this manner while focusing on that breathing for at least 5 minutes. Longer is better and working your time meditating to 15-20 minutes per session would be most beneficial to your efforts.

Within a very short period of time, you will have slowed your brain down below 13 cycles per second. You will feel much calmer now as you reach Alpha state. With practice, you will soon be able to go past Alpha into Theta. With this result, you will become truly aware of your infinite potential and capacity.

You will come to understand that your life is unlimited.

When you are ready to stop, do so slowly. Mentally scan your entire body and determine how you feel. You will be experiencing a wonderful state of calm and relaxation. Enjoy it!

Final Thoughts

Realizing your potential by understanding the various states of brainwaves and regularly practicing this simple meditation is a major key to using the Law of Attraction and bringing abundance, joy, good health, loving relationships and much more. Please do this meditation often and regularly. The result will be opening doors you never imagined.

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