Creating a Law of Attraction Vision Board

Realize that the basic tenant of the Law of Attraction is that thoughts become things. Everything that has made up what your life has been, you attracted into your life by your thoughts. The elements of that creative process are actually simple: consciously thinking the same things repeatedly and empowering them with a firm belief that you are the creator of your life. You have to have that firm belief. By regularly practicing visualization, you will begin to develop that belief. One of the best ways to practice visualization besides just in your mind is by creating a vision board.

Having physical images that represent your desired life, quotes that have inspired you in the past and affirmations that keep you focused and inspire you to action all represented on a simple board can be a tremendous source of not only inspiration but action. By spending some time each day looking at your vision board, maybe adding something new that you found, will allow you to engage your mental energy to put the appropriate effort into achieving your goals. Below are some guidelines to help you to create a powerful and empowering law of attraction vision board.

Begin With a Plan in Mind

You should have a clear idea about what you want your vision board to look like and what goal or goals you want represented there. Most people have many things that they would like to change in their life. The board can represent all of them: personal growth, spiritual growth, better health, a more rewarding career, financial success, a love relationship, a better education. Anything you want is a possibility, and there are no limits, so don’t be fearful that you are not doing it right! Anything you can imagine can become a reality for you. You can create one board and have many of your dreams represented or you can make several representing each goal separately. There are no hard and fast rules.

Where you keep your board or boards is very important. It has to be somewhere in your home that you will see it regularly. Your bedroom where you can see it from your bed? Your bathroom on the mirror? You decide, but just make sure it is somewhere you see it often each day.


Making the Law of Attraction Vision Board

There are a number of ways to create a vision board, so use one that appeals to you personally and one that you will use. If you wish, you can even buy one at a store or professional supplier. But that is not necessary and it is rather fun to make up your own. One easy way is to use a piece of cardboard from a box and cover it with a cloth. Secure it to the back of the cardboard with duct tape. That will give you a nice attractive surface to staple or pin the pictures, etc. that represent what you want to achieve.

If you have a whiteboard, that works too. You can write inspirational messages under the items you post on the board to really personalize it.

You can create a computer version by creating a new private file. This is probably the least desirable since it is easy to avoid opening the file!

Lots of people use their refrigerator as a vision board. Magnets hold the messages and pictures you want to see every day. Pretty sure you are going to see them if they are on your refrigerator.

It is YOUR board and you get to do it any way you want.


A Suggested Ritual

When you create your vision board, schedule some stress-free time one day. Pick some time over the weekend when you know you won’t be disturbed. It is important to create your board in a relaxing atmosphere. Play some of your favorite music. Maybe light a candle. Be sure to turn off the TV. Take some deep breaths, clear your mind, and start putting your “stuff” on your board.


Getting You “Stuff” Together

Here is your chance to get creative! Find some images in magazines that reflect what you wish to accomplish. If you are doing the Law of Attraction for health purposes, you may want to have pictures of athletes or models that you would consider attractive. Of course, you can also put other desires you may have like a car, a travel destination, or a house you would like to live in. Remember, when you reach your goals, you get to reward yourself. Might as well get a jump on a few things you want to do that with by thinking about them regularly. Anything that inspires YOU. You also could put words in between the pictures and postings like “be enthusiastic” or “joyful” or “fearless” or “loving.” Do try to keep your board neat looking as you don’t want to attract chaos in your life. Update the board when it feels right or you find something that inspires you.


A Final Thought

Your law of attraction vision board is there to help and inspire you. Be sure to look at it every day, focus on each element and clearly imagine yourself there now. Feel how good you feel. Feel it in with your whole body. All of it will be yours soon.

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