law of attraction world

An Explanation of the Law of Attraction

“There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the Universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.” W.D Wattles

In his book “The Science of Getting Rich,” W.D. Wattles provides the basic concept of what the Law of Attraction is all about. You create for yourself exactly what you think about. This insight to living your life provides us with a spiritual law that has been proven time and time again to be a real phenomenon. Once you truly understand this law and use it to create what you want, the result will be that your life will change.

So why is it that most of us struggle so in life? Why are we held back and suffer from poverty, ill health, and relationships that take from us instead of adding to our joy? The simple answer is that we have a tendency to believe in the negative that we have experienced. Perhaps we were told as a very young person that we weren’t very smart. Perhaps we were very poor and couldn’t imagine a life of richness and plenty. These negative ideas have a tendency to root themselves in the back of our mind and as a result, become our life view.

Overcoming negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves become more and more difficult as we grow older. This negativity becomes ingrained in our very souls as just the way things are. We become entrapped in these self-created illusions where these negative beliefs become constantly self-fulfilling prophecies. Understanding and implementing the Law of Attraction can change all this. Once you learn to use this spiritual law to its full potential, you will be able to tap into this “thinking stuff” and attract what you really want in life. This will bring you happiness, joy, success, good health, fulfilling relationships and sustained wealth.

The Mechanics of the Law of Attraction

All matter in the universe expresses a magnetic attraction. A great example is the atom, the fundamental unit of all matter. Atoms bond to become molecules and the molecules become matter. All this is accomplished by magnetic attraction as the electrons of the atom orbit around the nucleus. This same force is what makes they planets orbit the sun and make things fall to earth. This could be called gravity or you could call it attraction. Like molecules are attracted to each other just like planets (a whole bunch of like molecules) are attracted to each other.

Like matter, our minds express powerful magnetic properties and can attract at infinite distances. This is why like-minded people are attracted to each other. This is why people who are wealthy believe they deserve to be so, and therefore attract more wealth, etc. On the opposing side, believing we will fail will bring us defeat and failure. Think about this for a minute. If you undertake a task believing it has no chance to succeed from the start, do you think it will succeed or fail? Simple answer: it is doomed! Whatever you think you should experience, whatever you are thinking, you will definitely be attracting that same thing.

Whether or not you are aware of the Law of Attraction, it is always in play. You are constantly programming and creating your own reality that reflect your thoughts, feelings and perceptions. For example, people who are constantly in debt are probably thinking to themselves that they don’t want more debt. Ironically by focusing on what they don’t want, the universe will give them more of what they don’t want, and they will fall deeper into debt. To understand this better, we need to discuss another concept.

The Concept of Vibration

To understand why many of our dreams and visions do not become reality for us, we need to discuss the principle of vibration.

According to the principle of vibration, everything in the universe is in constant motion, or vibration. Everything in the universe is the same pure vibratory energy that changes itself from one form to another by vibrating at varying frequencies. All this matter is energetically connected by a theory of physics called “quantum entanglement.” Like this matter, our thoughts, emotions and feelings are also vibrating and causing cosmic waves to travel through space and time.

So, when our thoughts are in concert with the things or events we wish to experience in our life, they have the tendency to manifest. Unhappily, it seems our minds are more attracted to negative things than positive things. Through early negative programming being repeated in our lives, we are constantly confronted with negative outcomes. We want success, happiness, wealth, and so forth, but we have this strong tendency to focus on our failures and negative aspects. We fear defeat, and we try to avoid failure rather than seeking success. Thinking about our failures, we attract failure as a reality in our lives.

Some Good News

Happily, even though we have this tendency toward negativity, the universe does not judge. It only gives you what you indicate you want to have and positive thought has the same, if not stronger, potential to become reality. But first, you need to reverse the “magnetic polarity” of your mind. You have to work extra hard to raise your vibration.

When those old negative feeling come creeping in, and they will, you have to have the discipline to counter them by repeating your new positive mantra. This will not happen instantly because you have accumulated lots of doubts about yourself. It will happen if you are diligent and constantly work to reprogram your mind to work in a positive vibration.

A Simple Exercise to Implement the Law Of Attraction

There is a simple but effective exercise you can do that is fun and will show you how this Law works. Start with this exercise and see what happens. Many that have tried this have been absolutely astonished.

Think for a minute or two about something that would be a pleasant thing for you to experience. Perhaps you would like to hear from a friend that has not been in your life for a long time but you would be happy to hear from them. Or think about receiving some extra money that you did not expect. How about receiving a gift that you did not expect? You can be very specific if you wish, but being open to what the universe delivers may not be exactly that, but it will be close. Okay, now do the following procedure and see what happens.

  1. After you have thought about what you want to experience, quietly think about it for a few minutes. Don’t overthink it. Be clear in your mind what you want so you will know when it appears.
  2. Silently think to yourself or even say out loud an affirmation that reflects what you want. For example, “I will receive extra money soon.”
  3. Feel confidence that what you have wanted to happen is already created for you. Reflect on this feeling of confidence and plant it firmly in your mind.
  4. Be grateful now for the experience that you now know you will have. Gratitude is a powerful force to create what we desire. Being grateful in advance will show you are ready to receive this blessing. Be sure that when this thing happens, you are again grateful! Recognizing a blessing and being grateful for it brings more of it.
  5. Now, stop thinking about all this! Go on doing what you need to do for the day. Be watchful but not apprehensive. The wish you have created may come in a way you did not expect. Be open to alternatives that are similar.

This exercise is something you can do to exercise the Law of Attraction for you and see how it works. As a result, you will be pleased and surprised when it does happen. You will have confidence to start to apply it to other aspects of your life needs.


If you believe in your vision and work on it as discussed here, the universe will vibrate to provide all your desires. Be diligent. Be positive. The result is that you will be blessed.

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